fredag 10. desember 2010

How to make a good blog

Well, what is a good blog for you?

A money making machine?
A personal diary?
A page to write whatever you want in?
A personal project or work related blog?

Answer that question before you proceed.

We, and I say that in plural because we are two people writing this, have been planning this blog for a year or so, I actually have booked the domain a year ago, but I haven`t taken the time to transfer or set it up, planning to do that later.
To our surprise, one year after we created the site, we see that another woman is using the name But I must say that we came up with the name a year ago, and she has only been up since september. But that is completely fine as I don`t really compete, I just want as much traffic to this site as possible, enabling us/me, to write as often as much as we can, so maybe we`ll steal hers? he he he he.
 SO monetizing the blog is a goal for us, so that we can write and do even more philosophing.

Here is a couple of tips I remember learning, when I first started googling "how to blog", and "make money from blogging".

1. Write about something you like.

2. Write "how to do something" that is a keyword, people often google" how to". And I often google "how to " so that is a tips I welcomed

3. Write many many posts to make your blog attractive, ( I am still working on that one)

4. Use adsense, sell advertising space etc. etc.

5. Build up traffic and spend time on other peoples blogs, leaving your blog name behind you.

6. Write personal stuff, and good articles about your selected ....stuff. And mix it nicely so that people remember your personal voice, and therefore come back again.

7. Comment on relevant and similar blogs, forums, facebooks, twitters, and make sure your blog name is seen everywhere you go on the web.

8 Find something you like, some people only write about one thing they like. Making it easier for readers to know what to expect. But here, we`ll cross into anything we like, and that is personal freedom. So we/ I don`t really care about that tips.

Have a good day, think alot, then write it down. Or .. Have a bad day, don`t think too much, and write it down.

Peace. Now I`m going back to my chicken soup, with all natural ingredients(expect from the nam plah, fish sauce) Very healthy, and good during the winter.

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